Sunday, May 24, 2015

''Tomorrowland'' has been nominated by fans nationwide for the 2015 Cli-Fi Movie Awards (dubbed "the Cliffies")

Yes, ''Tomorrowland'' has been nominated by fans nationwide for the 2015 Cli-Fi Movie Awards (dubbed "the Cliffies")

Joining other cli fi movies in the nomination process:


How many [cli-fi] films of recent years have climaxed with anything other than massive conflict and conflagration? Whatever the number, Tomorrowland is one of the few to place far more emphasis on talk than action, which is what will probably contribute to what, for some, will make for a softer experience than the genre norm.
Time Out:
‘Tomorrowland’ is singularly unafraid of weighty concepts, tackling climate change, our ongoing [cli-fi] fascination with the [Climapocalypse] and the very Disney-ish idea of being ‘special’. It does get dry (some scenes feel suspiciously like TED talks) and the script’s fleeting efforts to unpick its dubious Ayn Rand-ish central ideology are completely undermined by a clunky, flat-as-a-pancake finale. [OUCH!]
Clooney seems to have been cast as much for his leftist liberal credentials as for his Hollywood Global Village star power, and it’s a choice that can’t help but leave a somewhat smug aftertaste; he’s almost too fitting a spokesman for a cli-fi movie that urges humanity to end all wars, take responsibility for the environment, and foster a greater, more alert engagement with the world around us. All worthy and admirable objectives, to be sure, but they can’t help but feel like platitudes in the absence of an adventure that compels and sustains dramatic interest on its own terms. Even when delivered with the best intentions, a lecture is a wretched substitute for wonder.

1 comment:


(Daily Beast) George Clooney’s new summer blockbuster shames us for our roles in global warming and a potpourri of other earthly calamities.

Never has commercialism and idealism blended so beautifully, and still so discordantly.

A $190 million summer blockbuster starring George Clooney based on an area in a Disney theme park hits theaters, presumably hoping to rake in at least that much at the box office. Its narrative goal, however: to get you to stop caring so much about the vapid capitalistic things that are ruining us all and instead maybe do something to make the world a better place.