Monday, October 21, 2019

Climate activist of the literary and cinema kind Dan Bloom has launched a 10-year Hollywood cli-fi movies initiative of Hollywood producers and celebrities to push for studio action to raise awareness of climate change through the production and release of cli-fi movies in Hollywood in the 2020s and 2030s.

Climate activist of the literary and cinema kind Dan Bloom has launched a 10-year Hollywood cli-fi movies initiative of Hollywood producers and celebrities to push for studio action to raise awareness of climate change through the production and release of cli-fi movies in Hollywood in the 2020s and 2030s.
He made a list and he is contacting everyone on it now.
Former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter will hopefully be part of the effort. Moderate Republican lawmakers like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California, and John Kasich, the former governor of Ohio, are on the list. Stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Sting and Ashton Kutcher round out the roster of more than 60 people. Their goal is to hold “climate conversations” in the coming decade with Hollywood producers and directors across the political spectrum.
With a small starting budget, Mr. Bloom said, he and other coalition members intend to ''take'' Hollywood meetings and push for the more interest in the cli-fi genre of movie-making in the next 10 years.
“We’re going to try to reach millions of people through Hollywood movies, Americans and people in other parts of the world, in order to mobilize an army of people who are going to demand action now on producing and releasing more cli-fi movies in the near future,” Mr. Bloom, 70,  said in an interview.
OK, Boomer.
The launch of the initiative comes as diplomats gathered in Madrid for global climate negotiations aimed at strengthening the 2015 Paris Agreement
United Nations scientists have said the world needs to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030, and must eliminate them by 2050 to limit warming to relatively safe levels. To do that, the United States would need to phase out all fossil fuels, including gas, as rapidly as possible. Cli-fi movies from Hollywood studios can help raise awareness of the issues, Mr Bloom said.

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