Monday, October 28, 2019

Stéphane Le Garff and some notes on cli-fi in France

UPDATED: A screening of 7 cli-fi films will be offered on October 31, in the evening, with 7 short films on the theme of "Planete Cli-fi".

It's a term that doesn't really exist very much yet in French cinema, but that is changing now in 2019 and it can be translated as ''climate fiction'', aka cli-fi  based on climate issues.

It was coined in 2011 by an American journalist who was educated in Rouen and Paris in the 1960s. The term is slowly catching on in France, thanks to several major newspapers and radio programs, book magazines and authors Jean-Marc Ligny, Yann Quero and Lorris Murail, and French director Dion among others, who have been championing the rise of the cli-fi term in France.

As a prelude to the Ofni festival, the Nyktalop Mélodie collective is screening seven short films on Thursday evening, focusing on climate fiction, aka ''cli-fi.''

The event is called PLANETE CLi-Fi

                                                                                                                                                                                   It is an event well established in Poitiers. The Nyktalop Mélodie collective is organising, from Thursday 14th to Sunday 19th November, ........the 17th edition of the Ofni festival, for Unidentified Film Objects.

But since its creation in 2003, the event, which specializes in visual and sound experimentations, has always wanted to maintain a relocated stage. "It was important for us to schedule something in independent theatres," says Stéphane Le Garff, the president.

The cinema Le Foyer is one of them and in 2017 and 2018 hosted two film concerts as part of #Ofni.

This year, a screening evening will be offered on Thursday, October 31, with seven short films on the theme of "Cli-fi".

Stephane tells this blog:'

Thank You, Dan, for your email,

    Yes the only occurences of Cli-Fi we could find around were only on    American litterature, i think it's the first time it's used for a festival as a theme here in France.

 And you've got the purpose of all our themes in your sentence : 'Cli-fi is part of the movie world now.' That's it ! it was something around SF litterature and now this is s our daily life, ''Anticipation'' has come.

I invite you to discover the film we're going to show this week, a real experience to live the climate change Live with the inhabitants of the condemned Tuvalu islands : That Which Is to Come Is Just a Promise by Flatform

'That which is to come is just a promise', il corto del collettivo Flatform

''Sarà presentato a Cannes nella Quinzaine des Réalisateurs 'That which is to come is just a promise' (Quello che verrà è solo una promessa) il corto realizzato dal collettivo Flatform, gruppo creato nel 2006 con sede a Milano e Berlino. Il film è girato a Funafuti, un atollo dell'arcipelago Tuvalu dove da qualche anno siccità e allagamenti si avvicendano senza interruzioni. Per effetto di un innaturale surriscaldamento del mare, l'acqua salata risale dal sottosuolo, affiora attraverso le porosità dei terreni e li allaga, mettendo a rischio il futuro della piccola isola. La clip in anteprima''

Stéphane Le Garff, directeur  | Artistic and managing director
Festival O.F.N.I. / Nyktalop Mélodie - BP 60097 - 86003 POITIERS Cedex - France

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