Monday, October 7, 2019

Look what just popped into my inbox! A ''climate memoir'' in the making!

Look what just popped into my inbox! A ''climate memoir'' in the making!

by staff blogger
WEBPOSTED: October 19, 2019
I recently received an email quite out of the blue from a writer, a British man, a memoirist it turns out, in his 50s, who told me: "I recently completed a manuscript for a memoir and philosophy related to climate change ethics and activism.  I'm working on getting it published and am currently seeking an agent.  However, I realize it's a long road ahead and I must be patient. Here's where things stand at this moment in time.

''In the Spring of 2010 I embarked on what might be called ''a personal fast unto death'' campaign to influence the my national government.  I was desperate for action on climate change.  My dedication to this issue is underpinned by philosophy.  I operate in accordance with an ethical doctrine I call Survivalism:  the morally good action is that which maximizes our chances of survival.  Humans are causing the 6th great extinction.  As a result, scientists have named our era the Anthropocene.  Our reckless behavior puts human civilization at risk of collapse.  We’ve never needed Survivalist ethics more than we need it now.

''In my memoir, I focus more attention on my story than I do on my philosophy.  When I was younger, in my 20s, I was lost, depressed and nihilistic.  During an intense psilocybin experience I had an epiphany -- people are animals! I watched the hair grow out of my arm and dance around:  I am an animal!   After sobering up, I understood evolution more intimately than I ever had before.  This was a major catalyst for Survivalism.  

''My memoir is tentatively called ''Survivalism: Life and Philosophy in the Anthropocene.''  It’s just over 100,000 words.  Millions of people around the world are pouring into the streets demanding action on climate change.  This book is for them.

''After graduating from college with a degree in philosophy and math,  I decided to go back to school a graduate degree as well. Then I went to work, of course, to earn a living. As a climate change activist, I am deeply committed.  I’ve even been arrested a few times during climate protests in Europe.

''I recently learned that communicating climate science and philosophy are not sufficient means to motivate people to solve this crisis.  After people learn about something as catastrophic as climate change, they need emotional support.  Also, people are more inspired by stories than they are by scientific data or ethics.  Hence, I chose to communicate Survivalist ethics via my memoir.  I believe that we have until 2030 to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half and they need to be completely eliminated by 2050.  In my proposed book, I’ll tell readers how we get there.''

My new friend has sent me a copy of his memoir-in-progress and I am reading it now. I can't tell you much about it yet, other than what I have mentioned above, because I have just started to dig in, but the theme of his memoir intrigues me and it might intrigue other potential readers, too, if it ever gets a chance to see the light of day.
Not all memoirs get published. Some languish and bide their time for a long time in the writer's study or in his or her  computer files, and the book eventually never appears online or in print. And that's okay, not all memories are written to be read by others. Sometimes there are written just for the author to ponder and re-read again and again.
On the other hand, this memoir just might have legs. It just might find a publisher. I will let you know if this ever happens.
In the meantime, my friend's project is, I think, if nothing else, food for thought and perhaps a way to prod us all out of comfort zones and help us face the reality of the climate emergency now facing the 21st century that we all know is coming out way, or perhaps is already on its way -- maybe even here, now.

Would you like to read this memoir? Let me know and I can tell you more as time goes by...

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